There isn’t a room in the house that doesn’t have any Orchids in it including the bathrooms, but it is the kitchen window that I actually pay the least amount of attention too.
That’s the one that my sweety takes care of before she goes to work in the morning (to take care of more Orchids, lol) and that’s the one that sneaks a bloom or two by me every now and then … But not this time, oooooh nooo, not this time, this time I paid attention (yep sure did) and even shot the little suckers.
Actually I tripped, on the little rug/throw doodmahicky with my coffee cup in one hand and thirty seven and a half cookies in the other, with my face going right towards the kitchen sink, when on the way down to the floor (didn’t want to spill the coffee and make a mess that I had to clean up afterwards so I chucked everything into the sink and didn’t want to drop the cookies so I stuffed them all into my mouth) I happened to look up and see a little flash of color. “Color,” I was thinking to myself “I don’t remember having anything blooming that has color in the window.” “I’ll have to take a picture.”
Thud, I’d arrived on the floor.
“Ah, there’s that little (looking surreptitiously around) little … thingy … I was …” When I realized that no one other than me was at home and did not see my, graceful as ever, descent towards the floor.
So after a little shoveling of crumbs into the corners and a bit of dabbing at droplets, I went and got the camera and took these.
Oncidium of some sort: Edited to add name "Twinkle Fragrant Fantasy" {hybrid}

And everyone has to have at least one Dendrobium, huh?
and this next one I had to turn around to take the picture. It's a ... a ... (what did she call it .. Sofa-nitwit-titus something or other, lol) Edited to add name: Sophronitis Cernua
... oh and the windows aren't filthy, it's just raining here for the first time in a long time again.

Hope you enjoyed reliving my morning with me and hope that this weekend treats everyone well.