Originally Posted by Polarizeme
Ray spends too much time on the compy? Well...we know that he isn't using any of that time to share any of his orchid photos on flickr. And if his wife yelled at him to get off the computer...then he probably wasn't being very productive with his compy time. The fact that he's married kind of leads me to believe he's probably just a little too old to be playing WOW. So does he spend all that time looking at orchid photos on flickr? And his wife is certain that there are more productive things that he could be doing with his time? Like what?
I think the chances are pretty good that Ray has at least a few orchids...right? Maybe 70% chance? And if you grow orchids then chances are good that you've taken a few photos of them...right? Maybe 80% chance? But what percentage of people who take photos of their orchids actually share their orchid photos on the internet? Maybe 40%?