Got my phals in the mail from Hausermann. They were all nice plants. I had to repot them right away and was shocked they had the sphagnum ball with way too much sphagnum and the roots were starting to rot. There were also several good roots so that was still ok. I placed them back into the same pots and changed the medium. One of the phals listed as in Bud is in bloom. The Phal surf song is absolutely huge with a few buds just starting to open and has tons of branches. I will post pictures soon.
Ok, admit it......what have you bought lately 2014 edition!
I bought a NOID vanda today. It has huge pink flowers and I hope the company it came from answers my request for the name.
Have any of you dealt with Silver Vase orchids in the past? It seems that they are one of the originators of the infamous "blue" Phal orchids.
Beverly A.
I bought my parents a Silver Vase phal as a gift and they discovered that Silver Vase has a website where they show pictures of all the different orchids so you can identify your own. I hope that helps!
A month or two ago I made a purchase with Seattle orchids.
They sent all but two, which I posted here.
They held these for a while to... establish them I think? I don't remember.
Anyhow. They sent them out and they arrived yesterday.
Lepanthes telipogoniflora, with a pin for size reference.
And Macroclinium manabinum. With nothing for size reference lol.
It's maybe 1.5 inches long.
Very good looking plant.