I just bought 4 orchids from Woodland Orchids at the Virginia OS Show this past weekend. I got:
Tuberolabium woodi
Schoenorchis fragrans
Sc Richard Kosel (Slc Sierra Doll x Slc Fire Lighter)
Pot Savannah Hope Gallis (Lc Puppy Love 'True Beauty' x Lisa Taylor Gallis 'Taylor' HCC/AOS)
You are right, neither OrchidWiz nor the RHS have this listed. It was in a mixed group of Cattleya hybrids, brought in for sale at a show. Nex Saturday I can find out which nursery it came from, so we can try to get to the bottom of this.
In the meantime, here is a photo of the flower.
Hmm.... please do!
I'm curious. I ended my search when Google only returned my thread on it lol.
What a cute little angraecum! I don't know what the spot is but it doesn't look too bad. I recently received a tiny seedling angraecum elephantinium and the leaves looked a bit worrisome but they are fine, now. I hope that will be the case with yours.
---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 PM ----------
We received today one Cymbidium tortisepalum ‘dian cang mei’ and a Laeliocattleya hybrid possibly ‘Le golden girl’ it is in bud but not open should be just a day or two.
I went to Home Depot for another container for collecting rain water and a light bulb. I tried to walk past the orchids but lo and behold I saw a Lc. Blazing Treat and it's in bud! So I told myself I could have it if I stayed away from a non essential (wine) for a week. I'll send a picture when it blooms. It has 9 buds so far.