Mine do. They actually behave more like people than plants sometimes. I nicknamed my my Rhynchostylis "Ninja" because it does everything it can to escape from its container. I just can't seem to make it hold still.
My Cattleya and my Dendrobium both flaunt their flowers as if they were movie stars. They do everything they can to grace themselves as much as possible (which I don't mind). The cattleya even has an exotic perfume.
The brassia seems to be the quiet one of the bunch; it just seems to grow at random.
My little vanda is hyperactive, growing at 100 Miles per hour. Its bigger cousin, the sanderiana, is a complainer, and it mopes around almost as much as it grows. It's a very moody plant; sometimes it will be growing at the speed of light, and other times, it refuses to do anything (though it still blooms). It's also very jealous. It started growing the moment I bought the little vanda seedling, as if to say, "I ain't gonna be upstaged!"
My plants are awesome!