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Old 08-29-2013, 11:42 PM
AussieVanda AussieVanda is offline
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Default My Gripe

I am presently sitting on my back patio admiring a few orchids out in bloom and a lovely frangipani that smells like cinnamon. In fact 2 of my vandacious orchids have very strong fragrances that remind me of fruit. There's a fantastic breeze and I should be enjoying the aroma of my plants as the breeze carries the fragrance like a delicate dance of butterflies in the late afternoon. It's a beautiful day here and I even have the day off work. So what do I have to gripe about?

Well........I can't smell my orchids on account of the stench of dog poo wafting over from my neighbour's back yard. I mean for crying out loud get a shovel a bag of lime and bury it. Or maybe pick it up once in while put in a bag and dispose of it. I think there are more "land mines" in that back yard than the DMZ separating the 2 Koreas!

There you've heard my gripe and I now feel better for it....
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Old 08-30-2013, 12:17 AM
orchidsarefun orchidsarefun is offline
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carnivore poo is the worst ! there is something earthy about horse and cow manure that is not too bad. I love the scent of frangipani and when we had access to blooms my wife used to bring the blooms indoors.
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Old 08-30-2013, 04:58 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I agree with orchidsarefun, horse and cow manure are not bad. carnivore poo is just disgusting.
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Old 08-30-2013, 06:16 AM
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RJSquirrel RJSquirrel is offline
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Default dog poop is rat sushi

I have been assaulted over my complaints of the dog poop that neighbors left and didnt pick up. Yes I mean literally shoved in the face and knocked down. I would walk out my front door and some dog has done his business on my freeking porch. Made me so damn mad. So next time this lady if you can even refer to her as a lady came by and her dog left poop, I waited until she walked off, go pick it up with surgical gloves,dump it right on her front door step. Thats how I got assaulted. . Now here we are grown adults tossing dog poop around.

I dont know what the laws are there but if their is a foul odor thats obnoxious and obviously disgusting coming from your neighbors yard start calling and reporting a foul smell coming from your neighbors back yard that smells like a dead body. A few visits from the local constable might help. Its also a health hazard so you can call the health dept too. Start calling every official authority you can. Remind you they are your neighbor and you are going to have to deal with it.
Might go tell him his yard stinks and be nice to start with. I think of being nice as a last resort.
Its seriously a health hazard with all the flies and rats and no telling what else it produces. If they are a renter you can and should call the landlord or owner.

Dog poop is such a big problem in some large cities they actually have police that watch just for this and you will get a ticket for not picking up. We call them 'pooliceman'
O.C.D. "Orchid Collecting Dysfunction"

Last edited by RJSquirrel; 08-30-2013 at 06:36 AM..
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Old 08-30-2013, 06:48 AM
AussieVanda AussieVanda is offline
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[QUOTE=RJSquirrel;602549]I have been assaulted over my complaints of the dog poop that neighbors left and didnt pick up. Yes I mean literally shoved in the face and knocked down. I would walk out my front door and some dog has done his business on my freeking porch. Made me so damn mad. So next time this lady if you can even refer to her as a lady came by and her dog left poop, I waited until she walked off, go pick it up with surgical gloves,dump it right on her front door step. Thats how I got assaulted. . [QUOTE]

That's awful, i'm so glad that my problems haven't gone to that extent! My saving grace is that i'm moving house in 2 to 3 months. Bigger house, bigger yard and neighbours further away. Means bigger orchid collection as well
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Old 08-30-2013, 08:49 AM
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People love to walk their dogs in our neighborhood and some don't clean up. Really? I am expected to clean up after their dogs? Is it that tough to carry bag? It is just incredible that your neighbors are not bothered by the smell. We have dogs and it is rather compelling to clean up (hold nose).
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Old 08-30-2013, 09:48 AM
Ladyofthelakes Ladyofthelakes is offline
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Why did I read this after eating my breakfast, (quick, change mental picture to orchids
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Old 08-30-2013, 10:47 AM
RandomGemini RandomGemini is offline
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I own 3 Labradors. I walk 3 Labradors every day. I pick up after them every day. It's what you do when you have dogs. They're my dogs, my responsibility. It's not fair of me to force others to live with the decisions I've made about my lifestyle so I really hate it when folks don't pick up after their dogs in the neighborhood. It makes me crazy.

One morning, I noticed a neighbor was out walking his wife's dog. I knew his wife and the dog but had only seen the husband a couple of times and never in the morning so I figured something must have happened to his wife and that he didn't know the drill, because his dog was doing his thing in my yard and he did not have a baggie.

So, I ran outside and took him a baggie and said, "Here you go! Your wife usually has them with her when she walks Muffin." and he stared at me like I was an idiot and said, "What's this for?" and I said, "For your dog's poo." He seemed stunned that I expected him to pick up after his dog.

Several of our neighbors got these poo baggie dispensers that are on yard stakes and put them out along his walking route after he walked the dog for a couple of weeks. That seemed to drive the point home to him that he needed to pick up after his dog.
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Old 08-30-2013, 10:53 AM
orchidsarefun orchidsarefun is offline
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makes you wonder how these people live at home. That TV show "Hoarders" was so awful that it was fascinating. One never knows.
I admire the people that carry around the dog-poop bags for just in case, you know those that don't are up to no good
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Old 08-30-2013, 05:29 PM
MrHappyRotter MrHappyRotter is offline
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There are starving children in 3rd world countries that can't even afford to own a phalaenopsis, and you have the nerve to complain about dog poop?

Just kidding with you. Dog poop smell is why I have a little dog, and why I clean the messes up after she drops a tootsie roll.
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bag, breeze, gripe, orchids, yard

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