Yesterday the male came to feed, and even though the two females immediately approached from different directions, he didn't back away. All three of them hovered about a foot from the feeder, watching each other. It reminded me of one of those old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns, where the gunslingers hold their positions at different ends of the street and attempt to stare each other down before they open fire. It seems they (the birds, not Clint and company) have come to some sort of uneasy truce. As long as one bird doesn't linger at the feeder for an excessively long time (whatever that may be in hummingbird etiquette) they appear to (somewhat grudgingly) tolerate each other. It's actually kind of funny. I can sit on the deck less than ten feet from them and as long as I don't make sudden moves, they ignore me and concentrate on one another.