So there is a definitely one spike for sure, well, a bud emerging from the cross of Hsinying Citron #15 and Fairrieanum "Green Giant" almost two years after its last and first blooming.
It has been a nice grower adding five growths.
I think, and hope there are two more coming.
One green complex paph, also has been almost two years since its last flowering, is sending up what looks to me like a bud sheath. It is still low and thin.
I'm excited because the whole time I was thinking this thing is not flowering because I can not provide enough cooling for it to flower.
I have other green complex paphs that are not flowering for a long time. sigh~
Now, the last one, a spotted large complex paph, again, also been about two years since it flowered last.
It has added three new fans. The oldest of these is showing a sign of sending up a sheath.
It is really really way down below in between leaves, but it looks really dark and the new leaf does not look dark on this plant. so I'm really really hoping it is a spike.
Maybe it is dark because it is still buried deep in there, and I'm just imagining things.
If it is a spike, then I have a hope that I can flower complex paphs and keep buying more.