Good morning this sunday
Well my clock says six but i know its five oclock. Im getting up early to load my truck with plants and vandas and misc to sell at the frontenac flea market today. I just wanted to say thank you to marty for this faboulous ob. Im much more confindent with the setup now than from a couple a weeks ago. (and respect the various locations much more now that i understand its format.) Also want to thank all the moderators and membors for chiming in with much needed assistance.
ITS JUST GREAT! And although i got politely informed from several sources not to use caps on the internet ill say it again, ITS JUST GREAT! (I truly did not know this was in poor taste.)
I feel confidant that any questions or problems i have that this great resource will solve. I like the fact that i can also go to particular genera for details about that type specifically. Its just faboulous.
well off to load the truck/....this is the second time i wrote this letter cause i hit something the first time and it was all gone...but thats technology.
happy orchiding