In the area I live I’ve met a few New Yorker’s who say the same thing as you Susanne. They all say they don’t miss the snow either. I’m a person who really needs to see the seasons change. I don’t mean to rag on Florida but here the only weather is hot, hotter and extreme humidity. I found it rather a novelty when I first got here to see flowers blooming in December outdoors.
I miss the smell of cedar and pinion burning in a woodstove heater. The way you can see the whole sky and you don’t have to go to the 7th floor of a building to see it. I miss the Colorado nature, deer all over the place. The feel of a a crisp morning and you can see your own breath. Walking down town and everybody calls you bye name and asks how you are? (Sad to say this was one of my pet peeves living in a small town that unfortunately everybody knew everybody’s business.) But now I miss it.
Yes Gwen it is nice to be able to grow plants outside all year around and because of it I’m able to experiment with a much broader range of plants which I could never do because of the winter in Colorado. As far as the Bat plant which I would really like to have to, I think they only sell those in the home depot’s that are more southern Florida. I have yet to see one here in my area. I’m in central Florida.
Grandma M I’m with you all the way, I love the changing seasons. There is nothing like a cold winter to make you appreciate the spring. At least you feel a sense of change. You walk outside and you see the trees turning colors, then the trees lose there leaves. Then it’s the first snow fall. I love waking up and seeing everything covered in snow it’s a wonderful frozen wonderland. The feeling of waking up and seeing snow on Christmas Day. I could go on and on….