Well, I knew the Carolina Wrens were nesting somewhere in the GH but could never figure out where until yesterday. I also wasn't sure how they were getting in and out, either.
I had decided to fertilize everything and had mixed up the fertilizer and was happily pouring it on a Staghorn fern when out burst two tiny wren chicks. Guess what? The parent birds had dug a hole into the dead back shields and set up housekeeping there.

Oh, oh, now what do I do? One of them flapped his way up out of my reach but the other one I caught and attempted to put back into the nest hole. Nothing doing he said, I'm not going back in there. (I suppose the cavity might have been wet).
Then the other mystery was solved, one of the adults got in by means of a hole in the plastic and had its beak full of lunch. She could hear the chicks cheeping in alarm and desperately looked for them. She found the one I had tried to renest and fed it. There ensued some chirping and cheeping as they found each other. I'm happy that the chicks can sort of fly but I think they were perhaps a few days from really fledging. I'm not sure if they are still living in the GH. I'll have to stick around for a little while and observe.
Carolina Wrens do nest in the strangest places and ofter near humans. That's OK because their song is beautiful and their antics fun to watch.
Beverly A.