I have been introducing myself to OB members for about a week now and have to admit there are some really special members that have been very kind. I made sure to post some photos of my yard so folks know im liget as far as my interest in all these topics.
Thank you to Suzanne, Dorothy and Marty and Dave and to all others who chimed in and said hello to my amatuer postings. As i said earlier Im very poor in computer skills and things that other folks probably assume everyone on the computer knows by now.
For instance Im not sure how often or when you start a new thread. What im getting at is I enjoy continuing discussions with folks from all around. I also honestly dont know if its ok to ask where someone is from. Is this acceptable? Also to continue a long running discussion which um part of the board is the best place to contact an individual like to say Hey suzzane whats up?
What part of the world are you in? How many orchids do you have? Where and How do i find your Photos? Is sending your email acceptable?
Again i am enjoying this site very much but would like to find out more about differant areas, whats going on and such but dont know if this is ok.
any help anyone
sincerely JamminJoe