...sometimes we be bop around and don't think much about the life we have. We just live, go and move thru time as if we had an eternity in our human shells.
today I saw something that just wrecked my world and made me realize how fragile all life is. A profound moment that made me think about being unhappy and frustrated for no good reason . I just am that way and accepted that and never reached further to define what was ailing me.
the lady down the street was out walking her great dane with her kids. we have a vacant lot behind us and they use it as a dog run. well the dog was having a great time running and jumping and being chased by the kids, until it ran out into the street and got hit broadside by a speeding car. oh man tell me this just didnt happen. i ran over to the lady as her and the kids were just screaming, and checked the dog who was yelping curdling cries. he quieted down and he stopped breathing and was dead. 5 seconds ago he was alive and well now dead. lady asked me if there was anything we can do and I told her yeah we can get him out of the street now. then she asked if he was okey I had to tell her he was dead. he wasnt breathing and his heart had stopped. DOA. this is still hurting me to see the kids and this lady just broken down.
man what a tough one. Im not the real sensitive type but that really affected me .
I can make a choise in my own life to enjoy what I have and be happy with it as at any time it can all be taken away. I have no good reason for being unhappy. Its time to get over myself and learn how to live. Not just eat breath and sleep and accept things as they are. Each of us has the power in ourselves to change what ever is ailing us. Dont sit back and accept being depressed or afflicted with S.A.D.. There is help and it starts with understanding you dont have to be this way. Our minds are very powerful and can lead us into all kinds of dark places that do not exist. Unlike other creatures of the world we have been given the gift of choise. God didnt even give his angels a choise.
My life changed today

old self