I got duplicates of Den. subuliferum (much bigger than the one I already have and in bloom!) and Masdie ayabacana (much bigger also), a replacement Lepanthe elegantula (I dried out the last one), a Neo hydrid (NoID pale yellow/pink in the picture) and my first Bulbo (contortisepalum)!
My orchid noob friend got an Aerangis luteo-alba (he likes mine so was an easy sell for Kawamoto) for himself, a Phal equestris and an Onc. nelly isler as gifts.
As for the NoID phals and cyms, I didn't even bother. I think they are very commercial, high volume vendors that normally cater to the big box stores. They were sort of set apart from the reputable vendors.
It felt less crowded than last year but I went on a Saturday last year. I thought it had a smaller vendor representation than last year but my friend disagrees.
Anon Y Mouse
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor
I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!
LoL Since when is science an opinion?