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12-09-2012, 07:53 PM
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What does the Orchid Board mean to you?
Hey everyone -
I am relatively new to the Board, but if you look at my posts, you will see I am very involved in various discussions.
I have my own reasons for turning to the Board for hours on end - and I was wondering why you spend large spans of time here!
I have various reasons I am on-Board. As I have mentioned, I am starting up a small internet orchid business in my apartment; I need all the info I can get at this point, and where better to go than the Board members for their input?
But I could find the needed info at the library. So why go to the Board? I have recently had spinal surgery and have been housebound (for 2 years) with my mildly-orchid-interested partner; I have no one to talk to that understands what I am saying. So I go to the Orchid Board.
But mainly I come to the Board for some stress-free time. I am unemployed (budget cuts); currently my mother has end-stage cancer, my father has slow growing cancer and my 96 year old grandmother (the much-loved matriarch of our family) has developed extreme delusions that upsets her and exacerbate her heart problems. My partner just had surgery and is recovering, so basically my family is keeping the area hospitals very busy. Needless to say, my personal pressure is very high right now and the Board is my neutral place - kind of like Switzerland! I have few options, besides the internet, for making contact with others to talk about something other than money, cancer or end-of-life issues. The Board gives some needed respite from the day-to-day issues I deal with.
So with that said, my reasons for Board'ing may be obvious, but in reality there are other Orchid-focused forums that I can turn to - I have followed several of them, along with the Orchid Board. I was attracted here due to the people. I really liked the supportive and friendly nature of the discourse and I was pleased with the welcome I got. I like the way the Board is set up and the accessibility it give all of the members to be able to talk to growers a half a world away in a very personal way.
I am not asking for sympathy of any sort - these factors are just a part of life and must be dealt with. But I wanted to let you know why the Board is so important to me!
Thanks Orchid Board, and all the members that make it great; you have allowed me some time to 'escape' and unless you find yourself facing similar issues, you will not know exactly what this means!!!
SO - now let's hear from others - What does the Orchid Board mean, give or offer to you?
Last edited by Stray59; 12-09-2012 at 08:05 PM..
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12-10-2012, 08:50 PM
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I retired 2 years ago and was in need of some real help growing my orchids. after going to other sites to learn I just couldn't put up with all the other stuff that went along with them, I found OB by accident when surfing for some information and came here and really enjoyed what I found, I didn't wait to join I did it right then, I have learn a lot and find the people here to be real and willing to help, I also find that if I pop on at 3am I still can read some thing new, it also gives me a out let from boredom plus helps me grow better orchids, I can't wait to see what else I can learn.
Thanks OB for being here
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12-10-2012, 09:47 PM
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This is my sanctuary.
I have learned a lot from the other members on how to care for my plants....warned me of the dangers of pests and bugs out there and gave me home remedies and the knowledge to use the 'big guns' chemicals....
This is the only place where you can post and delete pictures ....edit and spellcheck your writing....the other forums tend to kidnap your pictures and you cant erase or delete anything....
The attitude of the members are leaned towards helping others ....pleasant conversations.....except when I rant and rave about AOS and KEW or RHS....then I see some militant loyalists or royalists....but all in the spirit of exchanging ideas and opinions....
I am happy here ....and thats all that counts!
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12-11-2012, 08:05 AM
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Like FernDaddy, I am retired and found the OB when searching for orchid info on the web. I have had some success with orchids, but know that I can do better; and, like Bud, I need to learn. The OB turned out to be a welcoming community of like-minded orchid enthusiasts. I only joined early this year and I have already learned so much already, and my orchids are rewarding me as a result. I’ve tried mounts, S/H and other techniques that I need some encouragement to jump into. The Board has provided encouragement, advice, commiseration, and applause. I’ve been introduced to orchids genera that I didn’t even know existed! So I am on the Board almost every day to see what I can learn and what I can share to help others. It’s fun, informative and who else would want to see all the pictures of beautiful (and sometimes bizarre) flowers!
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12-11-2012, 09:40 AM
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First and foremost, OB for me is about information. Pure, raw, first hand accounts of how to grow some of the most difficult plant species in the world from some of the best growers. I also include pictures as part of this plethora of information. I've learned many of the subtleties between species (inter AND intra! lol), as well as many of the hybrids.
Secondly, the OB is great way to meet people with similar interests and connect with growers (new and advanced) in the far flung reaches of the planet. I doubt I would have ever connected with so many people in so many different places. And great people too! Friendly, interesting, spam hating people!! I love it! lol
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12-11-2012, 11:32 AM
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Great responses! Just what I wanted to hear. I agree with all the above and I see that others use this board for multiple reasons. Keep 'em coming!

12-11-2012, 11:54 AM
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When I first joined it was all about learning from people who had first hand experience on how to grow orchids within the subtleties of your own environment. Books are fine but for the most part they don't give you any practical experience. After awhile I became pretty successful at growing lots of different genre well.
Now I have found that my enthusiasum is somewhat flagging. I retired about 5 months ago, and have spent a good deal of time traveling. My plants have suffered as a result. I also have been feeling like they are more of a chore than something that is fun. So now I am here to try and get excited about orchids again.
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12-11-2012, 11:51 AM
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I first joined to get info on a problem phal I had, which wound up dying from some unknown problem. Then I stopped coming here for a bit, for no reason really. then i found some cool orchids locally and wanted to know more about them. I had, at the time, 2 phal and a bdsm and wanted to learn more. The bdsm is still giving me problems, but all the other orchids and all my new ones are all doing well!
Like you I have health problems. My drs and employer are all trying to get me to quit working, but we just can't afford to until I really have to. That's been kind of making me feel like I'm going nuts so I got back into more house plants again (I've always had larger outside gardens, but with renting inside stuff seems better right now in case we have to move. We also moved to containers more for that same reason.) Coming here makes me feel good. I can ask questions, answer questions, joke, post photos of boring orchids and everyone here loves them! Talking about this with other people I assume they get bored. Here we all love the same stuff. Everyone is so friendly and nice!
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12-11-2012, 11:56 AM
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Posts: 755
Hi all!
I joined OB for many of the same reasons expressed above. At the time I joined, my mother had just been diagnosed with cancer and there were so many pressures taking care of her and my father, who has his own medical issues.
I love to garden and I had slowly been acquiring orchids as gifts and as rescues and so orchids became my "winter" therapy. I really wanted to learn how to rebloom these things and it was a challenge that helped to take my mind off chemo and surgery and so forth. As I would Goggle my questions I was always finding OB. So, after a while I joined. I have never been on a forum before, but I do enjoy coming here for a few moments every day and learning something new. Along the way, I have enjoyed so many beautiful pictures and I have learned SO MUCH about orchids. I never knew there were so many and I am learning more every day. I like thinking that I can communicate with people all over the world, and share people's successes and (sometimes!) difficulties.
I always hope that I am an encouragement to everyone I "talk" with here...i.e. that I give as well as take away from the life of this board.
In case I don't post again soon, I am wishing you all the very happiest of holidays and many wonderful moments and memories in the coming weeks. And may you get an orchid as a gift. LOL
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12-11-2012, 12:08 PM
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You and I have similar reasons for needing this sanctuary! I hope you the best with your family issues and I hope you receive the time you need to re-coup. Thanks for adding your reasons to this post.
I want to thank all of you for your posts. Isn't it odd how many people seek out like minded others in order to relax and let-loose? And the Orchid Board allows us to do just that. I wish you the best and Happy Holidays to you also.
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