One more crazy chipping in! haha
I don't have a goal of "collecting" orchids. I just buy them if I like them and end up having waaaay too many. Seriously though, if I had more space, I would totally buy many many more because there are so many beautiful plants out there!
I do the same thing with Ryan. I don't just buy orchids. I buy lots of other stuff. I once had tons of african violets. they had bugs and I got rid of them all. This past week, I bought three.
I have some bulbs, mainly amaryllis for spectacular blooms, although it's only for barely one month of the year, I just love the flowers and see the bulbs and leaves grow.
I buy begonias, geraniums, little ferns, herbs, tropical greens....list goes on!
but these are mostly for decorating purpose, so I dump them out and constantly buy new plants.
I just got rid of shamrocks because they began to look tired. If I had more space, I would have loved to keep them, but since I don't and they are cheap and common, they were out. I got some nice little green and white folage and mini phals. also I got this super exotic croton tree. yay!!! Some how they get attacked by spider mites very easily but this variety, I am determined to save from those little buggers.
I started doing the same thing with orchis as well. The readily available ones that I check with online sources or the ones that I see all the time at stores, I just get them for flowers and then out!
I find it much better than buying fresh cut flowers every week as orchids last at least one month to many!
Not so common ones (even if they are cheap) or ones with special attachment (like super common white phal but was given as birthday gift for example), ones I really really love and would love to have around all the time for some unknown reasons, and of course, ones that are pretty to look at and easy to grow, I keep.