this will show you as long as you got a root and a bulb left sometimes you might be surprised to find that orchids not done yet.they are absolutely one of the most remarkably hardy plants I think in all respect everything considered but human intervention.
this is my Cycnodes Wine Delight 'JEM'..had a nice new growth and got hit with ice and lots of cold water. the next day every leaf on it had black spots and starting to turn yellow. I lopped it off thinking oh well..2 months later hes back!!! and looking good. just got to keep water off these leaves or they will crap out without hail and ice. eek I do have water on the leaves!!! it just rained and it looked nice..
c. intermedia.
oh wow this one got hammered and was floating in water and ice when I got to it. I let it be for a few days and all the bulbs fell over and started to turn..I cut them all off and had the Rhisome left..Well looky looky here come cooky!! 5 new growths jumped out. Absolutely amazing!! its in an RJarworld growing now so it gets lots of heat to the roots
noid big white phal..
I just bought this one for somebody didnt want to spend a lot to send a plant to it impending doom. Never left the house,,broke both spikes trying to get it out of the hail storm. Well trimmed them down and later we got new spikes from the old ones and getting buds back!!! weeee weeee weeee I feel like willy the pig!!
see now Im covered by cloth and all it will do is cave in
if I get hit again with hail. working on fixin problems.
but my plants are very happy and I wish your to be a happy and blooming too!!!