I've just ordered some...um...thin chains with hooks for hanging flowerpots? Do they have any specific name in English these chains? A hanging flowerpot is called "ampel" in Swedish so these thingies becomes "ampelkedja" in Swedish where "kedja" means "chain".
Oh, got a bit sidetracked there. Oops.
As I was saying, I ordered three of these, one of each for my Phal. schilleriana, my Phal. stuartiana, and my Phal. Wiganiae (mommy, daddy, and little baby must all go up in the air!) and tomorrow I'll be doing some shopping after work to buy two large fans (we're dying from heatstroke here, all of us!) and two humidifiers. All for me, my cats and my chids. What I
do want to buy though are some more Paphs instead.
Oh well, I much prefer this kind of shopping compared to shopping for new clothes which always ends up with me getting a migraine.
But I still want some more Paphs...