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Old 05-16-2012, 09:14 AM
The Mutant The Mutant is offline
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Angry Gworoar!

Ooooh, I'm sooo mad right now I think I'm going to explode.

I took time off work today just to be home so I could receive my last order from Schwerter, my Paph Michael Koopowitz and my Paph rothschildianum, since these two guys were so expensive I didn't want anything to go wrong with them. I waited, and waited and waited. Finally I called the Swedish post office since it's them who delivers packages from DHL here in Sweden, and apparently they had tried to deliver my package this afternoon. My...behind, is all I have to say about that! I've been home for the entire day and they've NOT been here and I've NOT received a failed-delivery notification as I'm supposed to do if they would have been.

I've filed a complaint against the delivery company here in my hometown and now I won't get my Paphs until Friday anyway, and I darn hope I will get them by then, otherwise I think I'm going to spontaneously combust...

Talk about wasting an entire day, since I haven't even dared going anywhere out of fear of missing the delivery. Now I'll go and buy some kitty-food, and hopefully I'll walk some of the anger off.
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Old 05-16-2012, 10:34 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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That really really sucks!

If I were you I would try and get them to tell you where the driver thinks he left the card etc. We once had one were they tried to deliver three times, every time there was someone in all day (it was an office) and no card, no delivery no nothing. Finally they told us the driver had put the card on the mat by the green door... hold on we don't have a green door... the empty house next door does... there were the cards on the mat of the empty house next door (he must have noticed the 2nd and 3rd time that the first had not been picked up).

Quite often if they think they've tried it's because they actually have the wrong address. Not always, sometimes it's just bad drivers, but it's worth checking.

Also can you ask if you can collect from the depot. Most of the delivery companies have depots close to us and usually they say we can collect after 7pm when the driver has returned.
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Old 05-16-2012, 11:01 AM
Rowangreen Rowangreen is offline
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Grrrrrr indeed. I had one once left a card with no means of contacting him to re-arrange delivery. Tried the company's website (Hermes in the UK...) and no means of arranging anything there either. They don't have a place you can pick up. I sent in a very strong complaint email. Next day there's a note on their website saying they'd tried again, but no card left. Next day after that I get in to find a delivery man had left a message on my home phone (no card again...) saying get in touch. Can anyone tell me what the logic is in leaving a message on a home phone when nobody is in and you have a mobile number as well? Needless to say, when I was able to ring him next buisiness day it seems the parcel had already been sent back... Luckily nothing perishable and I got a full re-fund from the seller. Hopefully they've stopped using that company too.

Hope your plants are OK when you finally get them! At least you've been able to talk to someone.
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Old 05-16-2012, 01:59 PM
Arenalbotanicalgarden Arenalbotanicalgarden is offline
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I once ordered a bag of live Koi from Japan and the idiots "lost it" for 4 days. Luckily they got lost in the north, the water was beer cold so the fish were fine.
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Old 05-20-2012, 07:10 AM
The Mutant The Mutant is offline
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Hmph! I've now gotten my plants but I'm still mad at the lazy driver for not delivering my plants when I was home. I got the notification by mail on Friday - he/she hadn't left the card anywhere in other words, just as I suspected.

The plants were fine, luckily, and I got this humongous package with these two Paphs in it - it looked quite ridiculous with me carrying the package home since I'm not a big person it probably looked like a box with legs!

The Paphs weren't that big, it was just Schwerter packing them very, very, VERY well.
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Old 05-20-2012, 07:48 AM

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Pictures? The MK will look gorgeous when in bloom with long petals. I just got recently two multi hybrids - St. Swithin (hybrid of roth x philippinense, supposed to bloom easier than roth) and Lady Isabel(stonei x roth). Both are blooming size. If I will be able to keep them alive and bloom - I'll move to species. Stonei is my favorite.
They are quite large plants when mature and take a lot of space, so I need to make sure that they don't just use space for nothing before expanding my multies collection.
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Old 05-21-2012, 04:14 AM
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I think schwerter only has one box size, because my small plants took up only about a quarter of the box!
Me too, I've had my fair share of problems with deliveries and it drives me nuts!

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Old 05-21-2012, 07:19 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Glad they've arrived safe and sound.
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:10 PM
Magnus A Magnus A is offline
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Have not seen this post before. But I can inform you that it is standard protocol by our post office in Sweden to assume that private person are not at home during daytime. Therefore they do not bather to deliver it but issue a notification to bring the package up! This is always sent with ordinary post and come the day after you ecpect your package.

I have experience from atleast 15 shipments during several years. Though you get confused when a shippment suddenly goes with another delivery company and you get a call at work that they are outside your home with a package!
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Old 05-31-2012, 10:15 PM
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I had a mess with the Post office delivering here in the USA. was sitting by a window watching for the mailman , he drove up left junk in my mail box did not even try to deliver the plant or leave a notice . I ended up waiting till he got back to the mail terminal and picked it up , was mad as hell
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day, delivery, home, paph, waited, gworoar

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