Ooooh, I'm sooo mad right now I think I'm going to explode.
I took time off work today just to be home so I could receive my last order from Schwerter, my Paph Michael Koopowitz and my Paph rothschildianum, since these two guys were so expensive I didn't want anything to go wrong with them. I waited, and waited and waited. Finally I called the Swedish post office since it's them who delivers packages from DHL here in Sweden, and apparently they had tried to deliver my package this afternoon. My...
behind, is all I have to say about that! I've been home for the entire day and they've NOT been here and I've NOT received a failed-delivery notification as I'm supposed to do if they would have been.
I've filed a complaint against the delivery company here in my hometown and now I won't get my Paphs until Friday anyway, and I darn hope I will get them by then, otherwise I think I'm going to spontaneously combust...
Talk about wasting an entire day, since I haven't even dared going anywhere out of fear of missing the delivery. Now I'll go and buy some kitty-food, and hopefully I'll walk some of the anger off.