Well, I wanted to get some more mini's and the stuff that J&L had just didnt peak my interest too much honestly. I'll probably delve into the species later on in my growing but right now, I'll stick with hybrids for the most part.
So, I found EFG/Power plant orchids. I found one Paph that I wanted on the site so I called them. George filled me in that he could pretty much get everything and anything within reason. Well, I instantly informed him I wanted a Sogo Gotris to replace the one I lost to stem rot right after I got it. Then, said I wanted the variegated Sogo Vivien and he so no problem. I then wanted to get my first Paph. I wanted a hainanense but got a purpuratum instead. Its perfectly fine though as Im sure he got confused when I told him that I wanted both but just the hainanense for right now.
Paph. purpuratum. This one is probably right at blooming size. It has two fans with one new one starting. The mottle isnt very pronounced but its still a beautiful orchid.
Phal. Sogo Gotris. I just love the coloring of this girl. Just beautiful to me. Wasnt told it was going to be in flower but Im not complaining!!!!
Love the art shade!!!
A shock! A new spike!!!!
Now, the prize. Its a Phal Flora Gigi. I cant find out much about its genes but its just gorgeous. The variegated foliage is amazing. Talk about awesome!! Then, it came in flower as well!!!!
Now, the really best part. These were ALL $10 a piece!! With free shipping!!!!!!