Got my orders from Orchidehuset (Swedish vendor) and Orchids by Peter White yesterday. They were both sent to me so I would have them before the weekend, but the Swedish postal service decided it wanted to keep my orders over the weekend so I didn't get them until yesterday.
From the Swedish vendor I had ordered a Phal. I-Hsin Salmon 'Copper Star' (I've checked this guy out several times at Schwerer's) and a Paph. superbiens. The 'Copper Star' was a disappointment since it wasn't orange as I've come to believe, but more murky red. This guy has been sold already. The Paph. superbiens (which I realize I've forgotten to take pictures of) is the second I have now, since I got one as a freebie from Popow. Since I didn't know I would get one from him I had ordered this one too. I'll keep both of them and see which one do the best and then I'll sell the other one.
Here's two pictures of the Phal. I-Hsin Salmon 'Copper Star':
From Orchids by Peter White I had ordered a Phal. Little Gem varigated leaf form and this guy has two spikes and a seriously cool foliage! The other one I ordered was a Dtps. Tzu Chiang Orange which came with a staggering six spikes in bloom, but also some soft, brown spots on several of its leaves.
I've cut away the spots and some surrounding tissue, treated the areas with hydrogen peroxide and cinnamon. I'm keeping an extra eye on the rest of the leaves for sign of more spots (I believe they were some sort of bacterial infection).
All in all, the plants from Orchids by Peter White were big, sturdy, and very healthy looking (minus the rot of the Dtps. that is).
Here are some pictures of them, first is of the leaves of the Little Gem (it has two spikes but no buds as of yet):
The infected leaves on Dtps. Tzu Chiang Orange:
One leaf after treatment (or the abuse, butchering or any other word fitting for the ill treatment I had to put it through):
The Dtps. Tzu Chiang Orange, the entire plant after treatment and repotting:
A close-up on one of its flowers: