hit by a hail storm and not enough water
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hit by a hail storm and not enough water
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Old 04-04-2012, 12:14 AM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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hit by a hail storm and not enough water Female

Originally Posted by RJSquirrel View Post
well thats a 1st for me..I woke up to the ding ding ding of ice rocks hitting me plants outside today..OMG!!!

I had my cloth covered up my bench thank goodness. I sure struggled getting beaned on the head for about 10 minutes trying to grab some stuff and get it out of the ice rain. I dont know if ice rain is good for ya plants or not. Well I know it cant be bec I broke the 2 spikes off my best looking phal. I was gonna take it thursday to meeting. NOT. Broke a few jars banging em around..I got plenty them..I think Im in for some wild west crap this year if I leave too much outside. I just cant cover it up. I dont know what to do but move it all back inside and they really love the outside. Ive had more shoots and roots than I ever grew inside honestly. What to do???????. My head hurts ..not from thinking from getting beaned with ice..ouch ouch ouch.

I did notice one thing after the rain though that discouraged me even more. Ive been underwatering my plants. The leaves look good they just werent all standing at attention.I felt it was from the unseasonal heat. No, they not getting enough water. They rose up like they had antennae after they got hosed today by that cool rain. Thats disturbing me now bec I understand it takes a lot of water, not just a quart or gallon bucket but you need to hose them plants down until the roots start to drink and send the water up..getting the roots wet and thinking your watering your plants is falsely thinking your watering the plants...Revelations
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that RJ.
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Old 04-04-2012, 01:19 AM
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hit by a hail storm and not enough water

Sorry about your spikes. I have broken enough off by sheer clumsiness. I never get over it and each time feel the loss keenly. I console myself by buying another orchid which I recommend for you. Something in bloom is best.
We often get hail in summertime but we have been fortunate enough not to get the huge stuff. The force of the hail being driven down by the wind has caused a little mechanical damage to my orchids but nothing major and the ice melts before causing cold damage. I worry more about the wind that comes with these storms. : (
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Old 04-04-2012, 10:50 AM
Discus Discus is offline
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hit by a hail storm and not enough water Male

RJ - is there no way you could maybe rig up some shade cloth over the orchids? It would protect them from the worst of the hail, if not rain.
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Old 04-05-2012, 12:01 AM
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I have mine under a canopy when they are outside. About 3 years ago it hailed and wind was bad it blew the hail sideways, had Catts hanging up near the edge of the cover did a number on them spilt the leaves most of the damage is gone now except for a few .. now I string screen door wire between the canopy legs to protect them .. Sorry about the spikes know how that is
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ice, plants, rain, thinking, water, storm, hail, hit

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