This little guy might not be a NoID anymore! I went to the vendor's today, since I had to buy fert for my chids, and after harassing the poor lady at the checkout for the name of the nursery, I got to talk to the guy responsible for the orchids. According to him it comes from a new nursery in the Netherlands, which I think I've located now, and the guy also knew what the name of the hybrid was and that it's apparently an old one. He said snow cloud and then changed it to snow mound, but after checking RHS it seems to be a Phal. 'Snow Cloud'. Just to make certain, I've contacted the nursery in question and asked.
Not only did I manage to obtain a possible name, I also secured my very own Phal dealer!
He told me to mail him a wishlist of the little more unusual Phals and he would get those that are available! Am I lucky or what?!
This means I'll now have a vendor within walking distance where I can pick up Phals I had to order from Europe myself before.
I'm busily working on my wishlist as we speak.