Hi, it's me again. I can't seem to keep my fingers off the keyboard when they're not busy bullying a Phal or two.
After having started some rather depressing threads about stem rot etc. I just wanted to show you how some of my Phals are doing after being re-potted during bloom. Also, what one of the tiny-whiny P. equestris's planning.
I think listening to your advices about re-potting my Phals whether they're bloom or not, is the best thing I've done. I'm now being rewarded with what looks like a continuing growth of the spikes on my P. "Not Quite a 'Black Jack'" and my P. "Too Big to be a 'Brother Spring Dancer'"
Those who were working on spikes have gone into a bit of; "Whohoo! I got fresh meduim, a bit of TLC, so lets work even faster on this/these spike/s that I have!" phase and so far none has suffered any bud blast. The only ones that have developed yellow leaves are the P. "Not Quite a 'Black Jack'" and P. "Too Big to be a 'Brother Spring Dancer'". I'm not surprised at this development (actually I'm more surprised that's the
only setback these two have suffered) since they were quite roughly treated during the re-potting. Oh, who am I trying to fool... I admit it; I forced them into their new pots while listening to the sad sound of roots breaking! So the fact that they look as happy as they do is a darn miracle.
Oh, before I forget, the Noid with white flowers and pink speckles on it had 25 flowers on a single spike the last time it bloomed. This years meager flower count is due to the neglect they all suffered before I got bitten by the orchid bug.
Also, the one with three spikes has been re-potted now too. Two of its lowest leaves had started to turn yellow in an ugly way, so Ms Paranoid here ripped it out of its pot to check the roots (I do not see stem rot everywhere I turn... *twitch*). I don't think I've ever seen nicer looking roots on any Phal I've owned...

Feeling slightly silly I re-potted it, but in my very first own home mixed medium (medium to large sized bark, sphagnum, and perlite)!

I look forward to monitoring its development!
Blah, blah.. On to the photos!