I just booked my room for the NHOS orchid show in Nashua NH Feb 10-12! It will be my very first orchid show as an attendee! I helped set one up once but never attended one. I will be working the show Friday, but just attending with my wonderful spouse on Saturday! Staying over will be like an early Valentine's celebration for us. We will likely attend the banquet on Friday night as well, which I am also psyched for!
I already have pre-ordered WAAAAAY too much stuff and have a list I will be on the hunt for as well.
I am so excited!
I am taking a day off beforehand to expand/reorganize my growing area to make room for more precious plants. So fun!
So is anyone else planning to go to this show? If you are there Friday be sure to stop by the NHOS membership table - that'll be me! If you are attending the banquet Friday night maybe we can sit together