WOW!!! I haven't made a thread here for a LOOONG time! Happily, I have quite a bit to post about. I have many 'chids in spike right now, and thinking about it, I probably have more in spike right now than I had in total 'chids at this time last year.
Phal. (Tying Shin Cupid x Super Stupid). This one has grown three leaves and a TON of roots since I got it early this year, so I am looking forward to a pretty impressive display.
Phal. Pylo's Princess Lisa. This one had a HUGE name before, and has just been registered sometime this year. Still a very small spike nubbin.
Phal. Mambo. This one came from Paramount with a spike that did nothing for the longest time, and then eventually died. I am happy to see it in spike, as I want to do some breeding with it!
Phal. NoID. This 'chid is a survivor!
Sometime a long time ago, it stopped growing new leaves, yet it didn't really get crown rot, nor a terminal spike. I was planning on chucking it, but then it grew one kieki, and then another. Now, to put the cherry on the cake, it has a nice spike coming along.
Phal. ATL Crossing. The spike on this 'chid is just trucking along really fast!
Onc. Gold Dust. I was very surprised to see this little tiny-tot with a spike, as it only has three p'bulbs, and the tallest is about 8.5 cm tall.
And FINALLY, my B. Grand Stars '#2'. This guy had a spike when I bought him, but the bud soon blasted, along with the spike at a later date. Thankfully, this spike is growing like crazy, and it appears that I will get two or three blooms, not bad for its first time.
You can also see all of this on my blog -->
Spikes galore!