Thank you everyone.
Silken, I did enjoy the show. I did notice though that there were too many paphs and phrags of different types and shapes, but very little of my favorites - vandas.
I was happy with the conditions of plants from Ten Shin Gardens and will definitely order from them again, but two of my plants (phal. javanica and tetraspisXlobii) from their order didn't make it through the border because somebody forgot to put somewhere some stamp on documents - a bit of disappointment.
Ecuagenera pre-order came a bit dried out, but in general -ok.
Besides my pre-ordered plants I bought from the show small Oncidium Sharry Baby and large Ascda Princess Mikasa Blue in spike!
I will post pics of my haul a bit later when everyone is nicely potted.
If anyone wants to see more pics from show, there are some more here:
Orchid log: Orchid show
Thank you for looking.