Wow! Both your birds are gorgeous! Don't think I've ever seen one like Poppy. She's divine with her pretty blue eyeliner. I've seen plenty of African Greys and Yellow Headed Amazons, even a small pair of Specticaled (not amazons). Poppy is something else!
I read in another thread that you have sold most of your birds. Are these your keepers?
Peanut and Poppy are going nowhere! lol No amount of money would make me part with them. I'll miss the others badly but it's for their sake that they're going.
What beautiful birds! It's amazing how many people think that parrots just mimick. I had a hand raised Blue fronted Amazon, and I can tell you that they learn language just like a child does. Even my tiny Pacific blue parrotlett is pretty good at comunicating. He says "sleep, sleep!" when he wants to be covered at night.