It has been ages since I was on OB! And I've missed all your guys threads and comments.
The reason for my absence has been that we've moved country and are now living in Finland! Unfortunately I wasn't able to take all my orchids with me as the customs only allowed 10!

But the 10 that made it seem to be doing ok.. despite several damaged leaves, broken flower spikes and spilled medium. (I don't think orchids are meant to travel in plains.. or at least not in economy class..

I had to do some supply shopping when I got to Finland and I found a nursery that was getting rid of the orchids that were not in bloom. Fill a bag for 10 E!

and I fit 10 orchids in my bag!! So 1E per plant is not bad. 3 Phals, 1 Cumbria, 2 Oncidiums, 2 Paphs, 1 jewel orchid and one that I'm actually not sure about.. Its just got a cluster of really round Pseudo Bulbs. I'll post a pic later for ID.
Well, its great to be back! And I'm looking forward to all your helpful suggestions for my damaged plants..