I took off work on Friday; was there at 9:00am sharp. Didn't get home until 4pm. I went back today for a couple of supplies, a gift orchid, and two more orchids for myself (an Epidendrum cross from Cal-orchid and a Dendrobium Oriental Smile from Carib plants.) Did not take a picture of those.
This year I concentrated on Myrmecophila, Laelia and a couple of other species. I was pleased. I DEFINITELY pays to go the first day
I met Ysa and met up with Susie!!!
Anyhow, here are the pictures.
This is Schomburgkia superbiens var. alba x Myrmecophila brysiana. It's in spike. from Plantio La Orquidea:
These are close-ups. The plant is HUGE.
As you can see, the plant is in spike:
This is Myrmecophila brysiana 'Isla Providencia' x Cattleya perceveliana 'El Hatillo', also from Plantio La Orquidea. The plant is also HUGE:
These are close-ups of the blooms and the plant, respectively:
This is Schomburgkia? undulata from Plantio La Orquidea:
This is Laelia lyonsii from Hamlyn Orchids:
This is Myrmecophila brysiana 'Orange Belle' from Hamlyn Orchids: