I used to attend that show every year when I lived there, and I agree, it was kinda a show with sooooo many
phals arranged every way imaginable and then a few random ones thrown in for good measure. They used to have promenea meadow gold, one of my favorites, in pots around the displays, I got a great picture once of them! It was my pc wallpaper for months
Thanks! they had really many Sobralias that had been donated by a collector. Some things I believe have never been shown to the public. The conditions are not ideal for all the plants but they seem to grow well. There is a small room for cool growing ones but apart from that they all grow in similar conditions and get watered more or less the same. I saw a Den anosmum blooming from canes with leaves. It was good to know it can bloom without a real dry winter rest ( I killed a couple of Dendrobiums with dry winter rest in my dry apt!). I feel that the BBG has less pressure than the NYBG to show big flufffy blooming hybrids. Yet that is what maybe they want to show the public. What did you like most at the orchid show at the BBG? do you have more photos?
BBG is free on Tuesdays all day and Saturdays before noon and on winter weekdays. It is worth checking out. I went to the NYBG once but it looked too manicured for my taste. At the BBG with $8 admission you can go anywhere. The aquatic house is great!