I fertilize...do you? (New Fertilizers)
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Old 03-08-2011, 08:41 PM
peeweelovesbooks peeweelovesbooks is offline
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I fertilize...do you? (New Fertilizers) Female
Default I fertilize...do you? (New Fertilizers)

I always like to try out fertilizers for some reason (Maria-------------> crazy) Anyway, last year right before my orchid hiatus I did a bit of research and bought 2 fertilizers from a company called Advanced Nutrients. One is called Iguana Juice Grow and the other one is not really a fertilizer but a tonic--it's Vitamin B. Admittedly, part of the reason I chose these was because they are supposedly organic and well, the names and logos amused me. (Talk about scientific)

I am hoping next week to start fertilizing (if I feel well enough) and will add these two to my normal regimen. I am also thinking of using the Maxicrop liquid instead of the soluble seaweed because I always have a problem getting it to dissolve--for those of you who use the Maxicrop soluble seaweed--do you have this problem, and if you do--how do you resolve it?

Anyway, I did fertilize my Phalaenopsis violacea (that I hope I can enter for show this year) with it and it didn't kill it!! HA!! It's actually perky and happy.

So, let me stop chattering--what are you using for ferts nowadays? Do you experiment or stick with the same thing year after year?
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Old 03-08-2011, 09:43 PM
Becca Becca is offline
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Hi Maria! I too like to try new fertilizers. I'm not a gimmick person, but I do like to try new things....I'm just as bad with potting mediums...lol.

I currently use MSU type fertilizers and have been for the last 3 or so years, but lately I've been thinking it would be nice to use a natural/organic/non-synthetic fertilizer. I'm just not sure how they would work or what adjustments I would need to make for using with RO water. There is one fertilizer in particular I would like to try on my orchids that is available locally but it is meant to improve your soil and I am not sure how that would work with orchids potted in the different potting mediums I use. Here is the link: Zamzows | Thrive (Formerly Save-A-Tree)

I also have used Orchid Pro, Orchid Champion, and I also occasionally use Humic Acid Solution that I buy from Ray (which is what the Orchid Pro is similar too), and I also use KLN. I'll admit I got lazy the last year or so and stopped using the majority of the supplements I have sitting around.

I'll look into the one's you are using...maybe I'll add them to my collection...lol.
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Old 03-08-2011, 10:51 PM
Call_Me_Bob Call_Me_Bob is offline
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I fertilize...do you? (New Fertilizers) Male

im in the market for a new fertilizer.

does the maxicrop smell? or leave residue?
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:19 PM
johnblagg johnblagg is offline
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I fertilize...do you? (New Fertilizers) Male

I dont really switch after finding a good one but I am looking for a replacement for what I am using that does not have any dyes .....and I do ocassionaly use plain potassium nitrate bought at the drug store
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:36 PM
tucker85 tucker85 is offline
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I used an MSU type fertilizer last year and I didn't feel that my orchids did as well as previous years. It could be because of the quality of my water or some other reason. Maybe I wasn't using it properly. This year I'm going back to a balanced fertilizer, Peter's 20-20-20. I use Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed and it's the only suppliment that gave me results very quickly. It's supposed to stimulate root formation and that's exactly what it did with my orchids. I've used Superthrive and fish emulsion in the past and I know people who swear by both of those. I'm going to stick with just the Peter's and Maxicrop this year. One other fertilizer I had great results with was Maxsea 16-16-16. But it's very expensive and I doubt that it's worth the extra money unless you had a small collection. I do like experimenting with new fertilizers and suppliments and I'm always willing to try something new. Good luck.
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Old 03-09-2011, 08:42 AM
Paul Mc Paul Mc is offline
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I fertilize...do you? (New Fertilizers) Male

I have had orchids for 5 years and never fertilized, that is until a few weeks ago. After having done some research and seen some experiments where people would fertilize and not fertilize, I decided to give it a go. In the experiments, the plants that were fertilized appropriately had healthier plants with many more blooms.

I started using GroMore Urea Free fertilizers as they have different formulas. I use each formula for specific plants, but I did not buy the BloomBooster formula. I've read that BloomBooster's are rarely worth it. I believe Ray even said that if they are blooming just fine, then why use them.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:51 PM
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Me too, I like to try out new ferts, but I'm not much into trying supplements, unless I know they're missing. I usually use Pokon 5-6-7.
Then I found a hydroponics shop near me that stocked Orchid Focus, and the grow formula is much more balanced. So I gave it a try. I have no idea if it works better, but I stopped using it after a few months. It leaves a nasty brown deposit permanently imbedded on the roots, and if I soak my mounts in it they start to get entirely brown. Yuck.

So now I'm back to my trusty Pokon until I spot something else worthy of trying!

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Old 03-09-2011, 06:49 PM
Hedge Hedge is offline
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Originally Posted by camille1585 View Post
Me too, I like to try out new ferts, but I'm not much into trying supplements, unless I know they're missing. I usually use Pokon 5-6-7.
Then I found a hydroponics shop near me that stocked Orchid Focus, and the grow formula is much more balanced. So I gave it a try. I have no idea if it works better, but I stopped using it after a few months. It leaves a nasty brown deposit permanently imbedded on the roots, and if I soak my mounts in it they start to get entirely brown. Yuck.

So now I'm back to my trusty Pokon until I spot something else worthy of trying!
Interesting comment about Orchid Focus, Grow formula, I have found it encourages my Oncidium group hybrids, but I haven't used it that consistently. They also sell a tonic type of liquid, but its dark brown and stains, not sure whether it makes any difference. I still get best results using a Chempak product in small yellow tubs designed for orchids. I like it cos it's economical, it dissolves quickly and it comes with a measure that makes up two pints at a time, which is just right for most of my pots to soak in. I find it annoying with a small collection having to find a syringe to measure small doses of liquid fertilizers to make up small quantities. Life's too short .....
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Hedge View Post
Interesting comment about Orchid Focus, Grow formula, I have found it encourages my Oncidium group hybrids, but I haven't used it that consistently. They also sell a tonic type of liquid, but its dark brown and stains, not sure whether it makes any difference. I still get best results using a Chempak product in small yellow tubs designed for orchids. I like it cos it's economical, it dissolves quickly and it comes with a measure that makes up two pints at a time, which is just right for most of my pots to soak in. I find it annoying with a small collection having to find a syringe to measure small doses of liquid fertilizers to make up small quantities. Life's too short .....
Me too I hate having to pull out the syringe each time. So what I do is make up a stock solution calculated so that a 1/4 cup scoop of it in 1L of water gives me the right dosage. MUCH easier that way!

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Old 03-09-2011, 07:47 PM
Val Val is offline
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I fertilize...do you? (New Fertilizers) Male

I've been using MSU type for a short while, and it seems to have an European equivalent: !! Akerne Orchids - Akerne's RAIN MIX .
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