Hi guys!!!
Week 2 and I'm feeling fantastic! I overdid it a little bit last week but this week I'm much better!!
Anyway, I'm slowly getting back from my orchid hiatus. It was touch and go there for a while, but thank goodness it looks like I"m going to be able to manage this.
My sister helped me during the time I really couldn't deal with my plants, but luckily, they fared neglect gracefully.

They spent the entire winter outside (it got down to the low 30's here) and everyone is thriving! Thank goodness.
My laelias are growing, but I have now (again) run out of room. I've been on a myrmecophila/ schomburgkia kick lately (to add variety) and they have taken up all available room on the shelf. I received a myrmecophila tibicinis from SBOE, and a replacement Laelia var. alba 'San Bar Oaxaquena' (they had sent me the wrong plant).
A Laelia lobata (new for me) and a Laelia superbiens seedling, along with two little Lc's from Kawamoto orchids await repotting--hopefully I can manage those sometime next week. I also ventured into the world of Neofinetia (finally) and species cattleya---I bought one Cattleya warscewiczii semi-alba (from Miranda Orchids) during the recent orchid show here, and a Cattleya maxima from 4331 Steven (the God of the Catt alliance)
Today I spent the day watering, checking the inventory, and making new labels, which look OCD-fantastic!! Next week I am going to clean everyone with the cinnamon/dawn soap solution (I do this periodically)
I am glad to report that ALL the Laelias have new growths--some as much as 5 or six little nubs. I'm pumped and I hope the new year brings lots of blooms for me.
That is all for now. I am waiting for the spring to mail out everyone's orchids.