Hi guys!
Rolando contacted me the other day and mentioned that some people on the OB had been asking where I have been.
As I mentioned to Rolando, I have been having chronic pain for a while and it's worsened since November. I was finally diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and my MD is taking a while to decide what is the best course of treatment for me.
In the meantime, I've been barely able to make it to work, much less go online much. I am in constant pain, especially so in my hands, wrists and shoulders, so it's a struggle to go to work (I am a transactional attorney so I'm on the computer all day long). It's been a very trying time for me and I hope that whatever treatment my MD chooses will work--some days I don't think I'm going to make it. I pass my days having to choose which things I am able to do with my hands, and being online often does not make the cut.
First, an apology: I gave away some orchids for my birthday back in November, but was never able to send them. I apologize to everyone on the thread, and to everryone on the OB. I still have everyone's addresses and the orchids are waiting to be sent out as soon as the spring starts. Again, I apologize if it seemed that I flaked out; that was never my intention. The orchids will go out as soon as the weather is ok.
Second, a big thank you. I was actually shocked when Rolando called me. Truthfully, I'm not used to people noticing me or caring (IRL and especially online), and well, it came as a shock to me that anyone had noticed my absence, much less people I've never met. I am humbled by all of you and I send each and every one who wondered where I was my deepest gratitude.
I hope that once my treatment starts (and hopefully works) I am going to be able to come back and be a part of this wonderful community once again.
Thank you so much.