Originally Posted by silken
So sorry to hear about the theft. I would be fuming. I think it's a good idea as suggested above to put an ad in the local paper if there is one. Word travels, and anyone in an orchid circle suddenly with that many new cymbidiums would stand out. Also, the advice about speaking to the neighbours and others on the block. You never know what can result by putting the word out. Also I would check the for sale ads, as someone may now try and sell them.
No one in Hollywood gives a rats or has time to even care about someone else's plants, unfortunately.
It's a small busy city filled mostly with actors, film makers, musicians, and artists, with a few other people from other professions sprinkled in. They're too busy worrying about themselves and how they're gonna make it.
Then add the myriad of tourists from all over the country and all over the world.
On top of that, take into consideration all the people who go there to party who are mostly from the neighboring cities with a few who are from the other more obscure cities in Los Angeles County.
It's Las Vegas' twin, without the casinos.
Most people wouldn't even know what the hell a Cymbidium is, let alone ID them.
They're gone. There's no getting them back unless by a miracle of chance, someone hands them back. The odds are very, very low.