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11-17-2010, 10:26 PM
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What other plants do you have in your collection?
Last edited by Ysa; 11-17-2010 at 10:31 PM..

11-17-2010, 10:58 PM
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i would have to say bonsai and hibiscus. i actually got into bonsai first. but i got faster progress and gratification from orchids. they started as an in between for when i wasnt able to do anything with my bonsai. then it developed from there. i still love both.
i also have hibiscus and some water plants i use for aquascaping

11-17-2010, 11:55 PM
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Beautiful Hoya pics; too bad they would sulk out in my greenhouse... For me bromeliads and epiphyllum hybrids take up most of the spare bench space. I have about 40 hanging pots of different sorts of epies and a four foot section of bench, plus quite a few mounts of bromeliad hybrids/species.
I've never met an orchid I couldn't kill...

11-18-2010, 12:37 AM
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anything that is easy and blooms
I have one hoya which I got last year after seeing some members post pix of theirs here.
Roses - actually one I have just appeared in my backyard some years ago - not entirely sure if it's a rose or something else ?
Zygocactus - just starting to open some blooms now
Also several Gerbera daisies, a couple geraniums. Got some orchid cacti cuttings last year - hopefully they can bloom soon

11-18-2010, 01:38 AM
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I grow pretty much anything that catches my eye. The two groups I have the most of are orchids and bromeliads though. I love tillandsias and cryptanthus. I also love ferns and mosses (indoors and outdoors). I'm working on expanding my collection of peperomias too.
I have 3 hoyas. Right now my favorite is multiflora (also called javanica). Here's pics
Hoya javanica 001.jpg
Hoya javanica 003small.jpg!

11-18-2010, 01:50 AM
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I have a miniature rose (that I damn near killed), a gardenia "tree", a seedling key lime, and a Meyer lemon tree, in addition to some standard houseplants.
The lemon I have had for about 3 years now. I know he kind of looks scraggly, but considering I live in Colorado, and I so have to bring him in, in the winter, and still get some large lemons from him, I think he is doing pretty good. The year before last, I let him produce 14 lemons. Not the best idea, since he's not the biggest tree, maybe 6', and I had to tie him up to the balcony posts because he was tipping over so bad, trying to keep him standing up straight, now I cut off anything in excess of 6.


11-18-2010, 03:41 AM
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I really don't have much other than orchids! Some Zygocactus, and various other odds and ends (3 Dracaena marginata, a Spathiphyllum, a cyclamen, handful of cacti, Chlorophytum elatum, Tradescantia zebrina....)
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
My Orchid Photos

11-18-2010, 06:41 AM
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I have lots of Lilies and Lithops. I got my first peace lily about 16 years ago and so most of the ones I have now are divisions of that original  They regularly get given away to friends when I divide now as I'm running out of room! Sorry I have no pictures, bit if any of you UK people want a lily and you're down my way for a visit, you're more than welcome!!!

11-18-2010, 02:23 PM
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Okay, you enablers. Now I want a hoya. How big are they? What are their culture requirements? I'm in snowy New England.
And Bob, you have hibiscus? In Pennsylvania?
I do have a remarkably overgrown "lucky bamboo" (really a Dracena) that has done so well because I water it with the water that I drain out from under my orchids; a huge and very old jade plant, a 40+ year old mini-orange tree (oranges are mini, not the tree), and a motley collection of ivies.

11-18-2010, 03:00 PM
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Connie, we have several hibiscus here in Wisconsin and they do great. I split them last year and now we and a friend of ours have even more of them!!
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