While I was at the DOS show and sale at the DBG, I also stopped by their FINALLY finished orchid exhibit. I believe there will be even more eventually, as they have several new greenhouses that are set up, but not filled. They have a large conservatory that also has some plants, but this room is dedicated almost completely to orchids.
I was very impressed by how well they seemed to represent how the plants grew in the wild. Especially the Phrags. And what BEAUTIFUL plants!!!!
Do you guys think they did a good job, or what?
It's dominated by the large rock structure. There is a loft to one side of the room where you can view the display from above. There are many many skylights, and two walls of windows.
View from the entrance
They had water lettuce (so petable!) and some other flowers in a pond at the base.
Beautiful water features on every side.
As far as I know, a lot of these are species. I know I recognize the Catt's in here, any guesses? C. mossiae var alba? And C. maxima?
Happy Oncidiums
Would have missed this Brassia if I hadn't looked up.

Same with this one- how vibrant!
Looking through some rock fixtures- now you see them...

Now you don't!
Love this species- C. dormaniana
View of the rear
Some lovely bromeliads in bloom around there too
Annoyed I can't remember this alliance.

or this one. Epicattleya?
These were on a separate water feature wall in the back

I want to say C. loddigesii or similar hybrid?
Now some views from above!

Still think this is L. perrinii, but it's HUGE!

Guess who! You could smell this one from below.
And NOWWWWW. My favorites. The phrags. I couldn't stop staring at them!

Wish I could get the name of this one.
That's all folks! Whatcha think?