Well my phrag packs from orchidweb were scheduled today. Been watching them since they left the greenhouse
I didn't get them as planned. Fed Ex on their package tracker claimed the address was incorrect...? HUH..Its my address and I know my address was correct bec they had just delivered a package less than 3 days ago.
So here we go.
Called Customer Service to see what the hell address they had that was so incorrect they couldn't deliver a package of mind you PERISHABLE Phragmipediums sitting on a hot delivery truck now bec the driver cant find my address bec hes too damn busy texting his gf while hes driving.
I saw Fed Ex drive by twice today by the way and never even bothered to stop. If they had I wouldn't be here now..Its a damn conspiracy I tell you.The king pin of this Ring is King Orchid and a Of course 5000 Fed Ex trucks that cant find an address.
Okey now the fun starts when a REAL human answers the phone. I do not know where this person was from bec I got so tired of trying to understand her less than intelligible translation of the english language I finally had to ask for someone that spoke FREEEKIN ENGLISH!!!!.
Oh boy now I hear .."you are a paranoid american" "whatever ma'am get me someone that speaks and understands FREEKIN english "I heard next..CLICK..
IM pissed off now beyond all reality.
Got someone else the next time and oh my god guess who chimes in breaking the call,,"Silly paranoid American cannot understand his own language"..If i could have jumped thru the phone to the FeD Ex Call center obviously buried on some unknown countries small putrid back wood swampland festering with zombie flies I would have done it just to choke the....never mind...
Talked to a FedEx customer advocate who had fine command of the language and she was as shocked as I was of all this and said actually heard part of the conversation She will re schedule delivery for 10 am tomorrow..Well when I mentioned what those plants cost and they needed to be kept cool and sitting in a hot truck all night was going to kill them she could just transfer me to claims center...Now we might get them tonite
I doubt it but Im going to open them right there for me and Mister fed Ex and if these plants are in the least but wilted dead or anything but perfect Fed Ex will have some claims..
Now on to the credit for the botched delivery since I was charged for it they will credit the shipper thats fine Ill email them and let them know whats going I guess and maybe they can credit my acct from there, I aint paying 30 extra bucks for something I didnt get...Im sorry
Good lord man I cant take much more of this stuff its killing my spirit and making me rotten and damn mean