My NOID phals are in the GH, suffering criminally from neglect. They need repotting from that horrible moss they are in. However, I do have a P. equestris that I got at a recent HOS meeting grown from a keiki and a P. gigantea and a Doriatenopsis pulcherrima and a Doriatenopsis 'Firecracker'. All are on the east side of my outdoor plant table. The gigantea is anything but giant as yet, I just got it a couple of months ago. I have it covered with nylon net because a day or two after bringing it home something (a snail, I think) ate the new leaf it was just beginning to grow.
They all receive the same sort of benign neglect everything gets. Water when they need it (it rained today
) fertilizer semi-weekly, semi-weakly. They DO get looked at every day, sometimes more than once.
All in all the species types seem to do better than the hybrid NOID's I am mistreating in the GH.
My concern right now is to find new homes for other types of plants so I will have room in the GH come winter for the overindulgence I have committed this summer in buying more orchids-and the HOS meeting is Thursday-silent auction, raffle, vendor?
Beverly A.