Elected As Our Local OS President. Uh Oh, Now What?
At our last meeting, I was elected as president to our local orchid society. This will be my first time being president of any group. My first official meeting is on Sept 12th.
So this is a plea to other members who have been, or currently are, presidents of their societies. What kind of "agenda format" did you follow for your meetings? Are there any essential points that should be done during the course of the meeting? How often did you have officer meetings outside of the regular meetings and what kinds of things did you cover?
Also, as a plea to members who have not served or do not wish to, is there anything within your monthly meetings that you think should be covered but gets overlooked? Any meeting activities that you think would be fun to have included on an ongoing basis? i.e. show-n-tell, plant raffle, etc.
Although our society membership is pretty laid back and would probably be pretty tolerant of my mis-steps for the first couple of meetings, I would like to as prepared as possible to head the meeting.
Thanks for any input you can help with.