So yesterday I decided to treat myself with a visit to Fantasy Orchids in Louisville. I've lived in Denver since last Sept. and have avoided going knowing that I would want to go crazy in that place. Anyway, I decided to go yesterday and realized that I would be driving through rush hour on the way up. So 1 and a half hours later at 5:36 I get to the shop only to find that they had closed at 5:00. So I then had to face more rush hour traffic on the way home...
Very frustrating...
Fantasy Orchids, I will be shopping with you soon!
Better luck next time! I think they might have hours and info on their website. I have a gallery on my profile with pictures from my visit.
Nice to see another Denverite!
This happened to me recently with Ruben in Orchids, so I feel your pain. I finally got my butt in gear and visited them (it's the only nursery that I've not gone to here in S. Florida) & they were CLOSED. It was Saturday morning!!! UGHHH...Then I spent another hour driving around Homestead trying to remember where RF orchids was located and when I FINALLY found it, nothing appealed to me.