sure! i am new though. i sat in last meeting and this next meeting, i will be paying and be an official member

each meeting has a speaker. the speaker is either from the club, or elsewhere. the speaker is always given the opportunity to bring plants to sell. if they opt out if that, than the members are allowed to bring plants to sell. if the members bring the plants, the prices are usually very good, since they just want to be rid of the plants.
they speak about everything from flasking to preparing orchids for a show ( next meeting )
they meet the third sunday of each month, this month will be the 15th of august. they meet upstairs in the community room of the giant in camp hill.
each fall there is a show hosted by SOS. it is at the stauffers of kissle hill in lancaster this year.
their website is VERY outdated! let me know if you need any more info. i hope you come and check it out!