I have come to the sudden realization that I need a method for keeping information about my rapidly growing collection. For example, today on this board, there was a mention made that Laelia anceps needs very high light and to be kept dry. But that is not true of all Laelias, right? So what I would like to do is have a chart or something where I can list a particular plant, its name, where I got it, when, how much I paid, when it bloomed and the care it requires and any other information I would like to conserve about that plant in particular.
Do any of you have a "system" you use to do this or any suggestions. I don't think a chart format made with a word processing program would be practical (BTW, I still use Word Perfect).
I want something I can easily carry with me when I go out to see the plants so I can make notations. That would preclude individual cards, I think.
Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks

Beverly A.