I've been gone a long long time, so it's about time I get back on OB. February and March were incredibly hectic since I was finishing my main Msc thesis project, and hardly had any time to myself! After that, I promised to be back on OB, I missed it!
Then end of march I sent a box to a friend containing 14 of my favorite and rarest orchids, since I'm spending 5 months in the USA and can't bring my plants along and didn't want to leave everything with my mother.

But the impossible happened, and the box got lost and the post office has no clue where it is. The box never left the netherlands and got returned to sender, except that it never ever arrived.

The post office refuses to give me the insurance money (I had the package insured to 500€) because according to them they did deliver back to the address, but it's not their fault if they delivered it to the wrong floor or left it by my door and someone stole it. The package is supposed to be delivered only on signature, but they said it doesn't count if it returns to sender. I'm completely devastated to have lost all the orchids that meant the most to me. Some will be impossible to replace because they were imported from other countries, or just extremely rare in Europe. I lost nearly my entire Phal equestris collection that I've been working hard to expand. And without the insurance money I can't even replace the ones that I can still get a hold of in Europe, because I'm just a broke student.
I haven't had the heart to come to OB since then, since the sight of an orchid just makes me want to cry. I don't know if I'll have the heart to continue with orchids once I'm home in September. I don't even know if I'll ever come back to OB on a regular basis, I've pretty much lost interest in orchids for now.