Our first really good weather weekend and I didn't have any obligations so I cleaned the greenhouse.
Inspected all the plants, repotted a bunch, watered, sprayed for bugs and found SPIKES!!!
There they were peeking out at me saying "here we are, it's spring!"
I have spikes on the below:
Burr Stefan Isler (3)
Maumeneara Queen Adelia (3)
Notylia (species - can't remember the name) (2)
Den lindleyi (2)
Wilsonara Hot Spot 'Exotic Perfusion' (2)
Haraella retrocalla (2)
Onc. sphacelatum (1)
Tolumnia bahamense (1)
Den. victoria-reginae
Den. Waianae Valley 'Ruffles' (3 blooming)
Anacheilium cochleatum
Ascda Su-Fun Beauty 'Orange Belle' (1 blooming)
Encyclia (species - can't remember the name) (1 huge spike with about 30 buds)
A bunch of Phals & Dtps (blooming) - they're on my desk at work.
And I found my first EVER real live sheath on my Blc. Fort Sumter 4947 x Mac Holmes ‘Newberry’ AM/AOS. I HOPE I can get it to bloom.
I love spring.