from my friend a few days ago...24 of them!
2 vandas with tags but the name is long gone
Ascda Vic Fowler
Den pierardii
V Chao Praya Sapphire x Ascda Bangkhuntian Gold
Iwan Apple Blossom
Den anosum (superbum)
C intermedia
Ctna Keith Roth
Blc Lucky Strike
C skinneri
Pot TwentyFour Carat 'Lea'
Den moschatum
Ctna Why Not
V Golamco's Blue Magic
(Thanks for the name, Linda (catlady)
V denisonia x Carolyn J Robinson
Rhy gigantea (Paig Spot x Spotty)
V Gordon Dillon x V Pollt Tapley
Aer lawrenceae x Rhy coelestis alba
Vasco Sumon Gold Spot
Vasco Thai Sky 'Prasong'
Ascda Fuch's Gold x Ascda Guo Chai Long
Rhy gigantea (Big Spot x Spotty)
...and another vanda that for some reason I didn't put on my list!
They need some work but I'm almost through them and all are looking well. We'll see what some TLC can do for them