Time to revive this old thread eh? I'll do the honours.
Why did I join OB?
For some reason I started to care about my eight (they were eight, but two of them were put in the same pot by someone, I bought it like that) NoID Phals again, which I had been neglecting for about two years.
I started to look for information on how to care for them properly and ended up on a very nice Swedish orchid forum. There my eyes were opened to the wonderful world of orchids in general and the Phalaenopsis genus in particular. I started to read more and more about different Phals and somehow pictures from OB would often show up in the results when I searched for a particular hybrid or species. The worse my obsession got the more I wanted to just talk with others like me (that is; obsessed and slightly crazy

) and I felt that the Swedish forum wasn't big enough for me and my obsession. Lucky for me and unlucky for you guys, I then discovered OB for real and decided to join after lurking for about two minutes and thinking about it for approximately two seconds.
So far I haven't regretted joining since not only are you friendly, tolerant, and patient with complete newbies, but you have a great sense of humor too. I feel I can be crazy lil' ol' me without anyone disapproving. Well, maybe you do, but so far I haven't noticed it.