What a great thread I'm glad it's been revived, as I'm new, so it's great to hear how people who have been here for ages have got to know each other... I'm hoping when my shyness wears off I will get to know everyone just as well
I started with orchids as my mum got a phal for a gift, then bought one for me cos I loved her then growing collection so much! Apart from one year when my phal grew air roots instead, it has grown and flowered constantly for 3yrs

Then for mums 60th I wanted a gift she'd love and bought her a Catt purpurata (and one for me) because the write up said big fragrant flowers and intermediate temps.... Then I had to figure out how to make them grow! :s still figuring!
I scoured the net for info and this was the place with the most helpful information

no bickering about if they are Catt. or laelelia or Soph... just people enjoying the pleasure of growing and sharing!
Now I have u guys on my iPhone and uv been in my pocket 24/7! LOL