named LauraN and LindaRoderick
We had a little get together at Laura's place today and had a wonderful time together.
My day was made a bit more special by the chids I got from both of them
When Linda picked me up, she proceeded to pull a HUGE Gram martae out of her car for me (she had one in there for Laura too!)
The first two pics show the size of it, in what is probably a 12" pot...and is one quarter of the original plant!
While at Laura's, I commented on how pretty a Den was...and she told me to take it home!
![Cloud Nine](
It is lovely
I have the best friends in the world...I love both of these ladies, and would even if they didn't give me awesome orchids! LOL
The amazing part is...we all met because of our love of orchids at the local orchid club and became fast friends. Lucky me
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